Barrow surgeon Dr. John Wanebo addresses Sonoran Living viewers about technological advances in brain and spine surgery.
Neurosurgeon Dr. John Wanebo appeared on ABC 15’s Sonoran Living to provide viewers with insight on how he and his colleagues at Barrow Brain and Spine are using a wide range of cutting-edge neurosurgery techniques in order to treat patients with complex brain and spine conditions.
In order to deliver a world-class patient experience, Barrow considers developing and adopting cutting-edge technologies a MUST:
Neuronavigation is a technique partially pioneered at Barrow, which works by registering MRI or CT images of a patient to surgical instruments. The operating microscope allows neurosurgeons to more accurately see where their instruments are pointing to on the MRI.
In the spine, neuronavigation allows surgeons to place screws into the bones with three-dimensional accuracy and even through stab incisions in the skin. In cranial surgery, neuronavigation helps neurosurgeons target the limits of a tumor on MRI and helps in selecting the ideal trajectory to a tumor. Neuronavigation in the brain, combined with Functional MRI or tractography images, can also help doctors identify critical speech and motor areas of the brain with better precision.
New instrumentation, many pioneered by Barrow doctors, have improved the ease and success of spinal procedures. For cervical spine patients, plates used for fusion have become smaller, they are faster to put in, and they reduce certain surgical side effects such as trouble swallowing. These new technologies now make it possible for Barrow doctors to send some cervical fusion patients home the same day of surgery compared with a two or three hospital stay in the past!
There is much more on the horizon as Barrow Brain and Spine surgeons keep abreast of the latest advances to help provide world-class care for patients!
To make an appointment with Dr. Wanebo at Barrow Brain and Spine’s Scottsdale office, contact 480-425-8004 or visit Barrow Brain and Spine online at:
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